Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Talking with myself

Do you ever imagine hypothetical conversations? I have a longtime habit of doing so, and I think the frequency has intensified now that I have more time to let my mind wander (less homework, more commuting time). Tonight I played out a fairly extensive conversation in my head, filling out the setting, body language, conversational constructs I'd use, the other person's responses and tone, etc.

Of course, the exercise gets more interesting if environmental factors align and the conversation could actually take place. But when that moment arrives, it never happens the way you've envisioned it. After all, as much as I try, I am not the sole author of the script.

Maybe that's why it's so satisfying to create neatly packaged dialogues.

1 comment:

BanditKIr said...

Lol actually all the time. But it's usually planning out how I'm going to get a good joke in and make the other person laugh. Over the years I've gotten a pretty good success rate but I've found it's a lot harder to keep the conversation going the way you want online than in person which I guess should be expected.