Sunday, July 1, 2007

Davy on the Radio

Independence Day “weekend,” and I’m heading down with my dad to visit the old folks at home in Louisville.

This morning, as I slid into my new car (Mazda 626, for the curious) to drive it for the first time, the radio started playing “Give My Regards to Broadway.” As in, the song for which Cornell’s fight song “Give My Regards to Davy” is modeled. I’d never heard the original before, and couldn’t help feeling that this version was some sort of Weird Al imposter, desecrating the sanctity of Davy. It was a jarring mix of old and new. By the end though, I had a newfound appreciation for George M. Cohan’s original composition and lyrics.

I hope I never have to hear the alma mater of another university which uses our melody.

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