Thursday, July 26, 2007

Gotham City, beta version

Tonight at 8ish, I was on my way back to the Fed to pick up my bike, and was wandering down Adams when a guy on the sidewalk suddenly started waving at me. He looked a little well-dressed to be begging for money, but I instinctively veered away anyway. Then he told me the street was closed. He had a florescent yellow vest wrapped around his waist, so I decided to heed his advice. Continuing down Jackson, I ran into more yellow tape and was soon accosted by another woman. After explaining that my bike was only 25 yards away, she let me cross into the top-secret security zone.

Just to confirm my hunch, I asked a nearby cop what the furor was all about. Indeed, they are filming the next Batman film tonight outside of my workplace. You can see the filming listed on the Chicago Film Office site. It's posted under the "code name" Rory's First Kiss.


BanditKIr said...

Oh man, a sequel to Batman Begins?!??! Awesomeness. Is it called Batman continues? Oh by the way, here's the site I told you about where I made some extra cash!

BanditKIr said...

Nevermind, wikipedia tells me it's called The Dark Knight....