Sunday, July 22, 2007

Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte

After spending all of yesterday huddled with a book, I ventured out to the Lakefront park for a run. I was handily armed with a map (from my sugar daddy Merlin), and decided my goal was to reach Shedd Aquarium before turning around. I did make it there, but it was kind of painful. It's been a while since I bothered running. On the plus side, it doesn't take much to see noticeable improvements, so in another month..

I noticed a dirt mound labeled "Sledding Slope" and laughed. Oh Libe Slope, how I miss your 46% grade on the way to class every morning.

On the drive back, NPR mentioned a Sing-Along concert in Millenium Park that afternoon. I figured I'd been meaning to get a letterbox down there, plus I'm always game for singing in public, so I biked downtown to hang out with a bunch of parents and their kids. Some of the material was interesting (folk songs, Beatles, mariachi band), and we even worked on our vowels a bit (to get rid of those ugly American diphthongs)! I am giving serious thought to joining a choral group (U of C chorale?) in the fall because I miss performing in a large ensemble. Hah, that's right, I can be that sketchy townie hanging around campus, only it's not my campus.

According to the series program, there's quite a few more (free) performances throughout the rest of the summer. Beethoven 6, anyone?

Drat, the jazz festival Herbie Hancock student tickets are sold out. Nooo!


BanditKIr said...

Aww you have a sugar daddy? What happened to Tittler?

CC said...

He's been replaced by Merlin whom I met at the bike shop of all places. Besides, Tittler, unlike Merlin, isn't recently retired so I don't know if he counts per se.