Wednesday, June 24, 2009

On the Chicago Food Blogosphere

Tonight, for the first time, I went out with a bunch of Chicago-area food bloggers. I imagine this is what it feels like to discover that other people share a weird fetish of yours on the internet (cough, FA). Though we spanned a large range of ages and professions, we were all united in our love for 1) food and 2) the internet.

About eight of us gathered downtown for a promotional event (few things makes me happier than several rounds of great food and drinks on the house), armed with notepads, cameras and lots of opinions. I briefly mentioned having been in London and Paris last week, and was immediately bombarded with questions. "Where did you eat? Oh, you went to Brick Lane? Awesome, we did too! Oh oh, I know a great place for fish and went to Rock & Sole Plaice? That's my favorite place for fish and chips! But never mind London, tell us about Paris..."

Twitter follows were promised. Podcast previews were offered. The competitive sport of the night was Guess the Next Hot Food Trend (pork belly, out; ramps, in?) and What's the Last Restaurant You Ate At (my answer: TAC Quick). "Oh, I went there but I ordered the wrong thing!" someone would say. "I hate when that happens!" three other people would blurt out. We all sipped our wine and commiserated.

The highlight of the night was when someone mentioned the Chicago Fed, and I said, "Oh, I work for the research department!" "No way, really? I worked there until about a year ago! It's good to know there's another food blogger at the Fed." A discussion of all our mutual colleagues ensued, gossip on people's weddings, etc. It is indeed a small world after all.

After a heated discussion on the merits of the meat dress and the bacon bra, I heaved a satiated sigh, and headed for the door. Is the NYT still hiring to replace Frank Bruni??

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