Thursday, June 4, 2009

Hey, Remember that Time...?

My mom and I did some cleaning today, sorting through old files and trying to throw things out and mostly failing. Amidst the detritus of yellowed receipts and cobwebs, Mom uncovered things like my hospital bill from 1985 and my dad's journal from his first few years in America. The segment that most neatly wraps up my dad: "1979. We are living in a boarding house with 6 other families, and it is always terribly noisy. More than anything else, I wish I had my own study so that I can read in peace. I am determined to make enough money so that my kids can have rooms of their own."

Elsewhere in the department of things I had no idea about: apparently, my dad used to be a champion ping-pong player back in high school. Sadly, I have yet to see him demonstrate this prowess at ping-pong.

Upon reflection, I myself was a pack rat/budding archivist from an early age. I'm not sure if this is normal, but I kept meticulous files all throughout childhood with stuff that I thought was interesting or significant: 1st grade report cards, math awards, ticket stubs, my sticker collection, a long Starburst wrapper chain, a Jigglypuff gummy snack from a crush, a piece of the wall from Meyzeek Middle School that I took when I graduated...I have at least 5 boxes in the basement simply labeled "Memories."

Today, I rediscovered a few old photo albums that I'd stored and completely forgotten about once digital cameras came into fashion. Since digitization is FTW, I started scanning some of the photos for kicks and giggles. Here are the fruits of my labour:

Me, blissfully unaware at age 3 that this outfit is totally stereotypical

Chester and me, circa 1994. At this point, I hated dresses, lace and anything pink. I assure you, my smile here cloaks a simmering rage at the domination of adults.

Standing in front of the White House in 6th grade or so

Chester, cracking a lot of eggs

8th grade--Is it bad that I still have this shirt?

As much as I hated having my picture taken while growing up, I have to say that looking at old family photos was hilarious.

Quote of the day:
"I was talking to my tai chi master, and he asked if I was religious. I said, well I believe religion is best suited for extremely wise people, or extremely stupid people. I fall somewhere in the middle, so no." -Mom


Anonymous said...

It's worse that you look more like your '94 picture now than your 8th grade one.

Anonymous said...

I am pretty sure I have your 8th grade photo. :) Nothing from Chinese school?!?!

CC said...

aw, I didn't find anything from Chinese school, but I know there's some embarrassing shots of us dancing with lion masks somewhere...