Thursday, March 12, 2009

Word Clouds

I started playing with Wordle this afternoon and decided to generate a few word clouds based on AIM log files between Dec 19, 2006 and Aug 22, 2007. (For a variety of reasons, this was the easiest period/client to generate.) A few words have been removed (e.g. "haha") to make the frequency distribution a little more uniform, but other than that, the text is unaltered. Prizes will be awarded if you can guess the identities of the following people:

I have a feeling that clouds generated on my gchat logs for the same people would look a lot different.

Finally, here is the word cloud for my blog:


Anonymous said...

The second one is from conversations you've had with Megan. What do I win?


Tomás said...

Darn. Someone beat me to my guess.

CC said...

You are both correct! Would you like tentacle grape soda or a free hug?

Anonymous said...

Wordle is the best thing I've ever seen! Thank you for sharing. Now where is MY grape soda?