Monday, February 9, 2009


When's the last time you made a paper snowflake? Drew a cartoon? Decorated a vase?

Melissa invited a few of us over to make valentines yesterday afternoon, and I was struck by the way I froze, blanking out on what to do, stymied for ideas. It's been a long time since I've had to do something visually artistic, and as I looked at the pile of stickers, stamps, ribbon and brightly colored construction paper in front of me, I felt completely lost. Where were all my kindergarten-era arts and crafts skills?

Don't get me wrong, it's not as though having a full-time job has turned me into a soulless automaton. I take time out to be creative in other forms: through writing, in music, and in mathematics. (Yes, math does require creative juices.) However, I can't remember the last time I had to create a piece of visual art. I hesitantly grabbed a pair of scissors and began cutting out a heart. Meanwhile, Katherine was cutting out an elaborate silhouette with two people kissing and holding hands. It was practically on the order of a traditional Chinese paper cut. After surveying her work, I decided I should focus on jazzing up my cards via dinosaur stickers and glitter glue.

Eventually, my creative juices kicked in and I managed to assemble a few Valentines of debatable artistic vision. They are currently in the mail, so they should definitely be in mailboxes by the 14th. If you're reading this and didn't get a valentine, please don't take it personally; it probably just means you were less important than my mom. :p

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