Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Original Prankster

Working at the fed is Very Serious Business, but we also know how to mix some levity into the day. Specifically, we've elevated the office prank almost to a new art form. At various points, I have come back to my cubicle to find the batteries in my keyboard have been switched, or that my page-a-day calendar has had the next week's pages stapled together, or that my granola bars have been taped to my desk, my pear taped to my desk, my mouse taped to my desk...Once, I returned to see that my chair had been lowered as far as possible, and my desk had been raised about 5 inches. As I was puzzling over this, Rich, my economist, walked by, and I explained that my desk seemed to be different. He commented wryly, "Well, you do shrink as you get older."

Phil was out yesterday, so we took it upon ourselves to help him "redecorate." Although he espouses distaste for many things (Xbox, the Berghoff, Hawaii), he has a particularly virulent hatred for Hillary Clinton. Accordingly, we posted print-outs of Hillary photos all over his cube. I also printed out 15 small "Vote for Hillary" buttons that we hid inside his coffee, under his mousepad, in his phone cradle, in the middle of books...I predict he'll be finding nasty surprises for the next few weeks.

Much to my shock, Phil sent out the following email the next morning:

Thanks guys…. I found this in my inbox

-----Original Message-----

From: Sherry Smith []
Sent: Tuesday, May 6, 2008 4:03 PM
To: Philip S Doctor
Subject: Re: Political stances and Federal Reserve Bank standards


It has come to our attention that you have recently been displaying political paraphernalia within your cubical at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. As you were informed during your orientation, the Fed is a politically neutral entity, and maintaining that neutrality is one of our top priorities, especially as we near the national elections. In accordance with internal policies, I am requiring you to remove all signage from the building and have asked that your supervisor verify this for me. Additionally I will be required to have a meeting to discuss your professional conduct. Please get in touch with me to set up a meeting time, hopefully this week.

Sherry Smith

AACK! I panicked; should we fess up to our crimes so that Phil doesn't get in trouble? Were we going to get written up? Was I about to get fired from my first (and last) job ever, over a silly prank?! Then Matt pointed out, wouldn't it be funny if Phil was trying to counter-prank us instead? I quickly searched the Fed Directory, and lo and behold, there was no one named "Sherry Smith." Upon closer scrutiny, we noticed that the email was "sent" at 4:03 pm, and we left his cubicle at around 3:45 pm the day before. Whew!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Pretty much the most hilarious thing I've read all week month, year! If only I didn't work from home, I'd be subject to these sorts of blog-worthy pranks.