Thursday, April 2, 2009

April Fool's Day

Aintaerjection has a good synopsis of how my April Fool's Day afternoon went. In a nutshell, I was dared to wear a condom as a hair tie for the afternoon, in exchange for dinner at Joe's Shanghai. This was easily done by tying the ends together and fashioning a sort of rubber band. Contrary to his claims of "shame," I will argue that, working in a large office building, this was a prudent move less I get hauled down to HR for creating an "uncomfortable work environment." You can see the super stalker-ish pictures here.

Though the hair tie was recognized for what it was at lunch, it did not seem to attract much notice from my economist. At least, I had two lengthy conversations with him that afternoon, and he failed to bring it up. This was probably for the best, as I imagine it would have only resulted in additional awkwardness, and I had already spent the morning explaining to him why wearing my rearview mirror was necessary.

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